Posts Tagged ‘barbell complex’

In workout terms, a Complex is a series of movements performed without rest and without re-setting the bar. Lately, when I’ve been short for time I’ve made the most of a workout with multiple movements and just one barbell. Today’s complex was a progression of clean / front squat movements separated by 500m runs on the treadmill.

5 Rounds:

  • 500m Run (treadmill)
  • 3 times through the following complex
  • Clean Pull
  • Hang Clean
  • Squat Clean
  • Front Squat

I’ve also been able to be fairly consistent with treadmill runs of 4-6kms and average pacing of 5:05 – 5:18 per km. Motivation ebbs and flows and I’m looking forward to the end of snow so that I can re-open The LAB in the garage. I miss my box jumps, pullup bar and the space to actually lift something heavy overhead.
