Posts Tagged ‘Lifestyle Balance’

Over the past two weeks, my training has been taking place in the basement with my kettlebells, weights, sandbags, bike trainer and treadmill. There are some personal lifestyle changes that are imminent (due to a career change) and it will have a major impact on my ability to schedule training sessions, so having the equipment at home gives me the freedom to workout whenever I can find the time. The stress of interviews and negotiations have evenĀ sapped my motivation to get into the pool. Lately my training plan has felt like a “house of cards” that has started to fall apart. However, if I can find a balance between work, family and training, I should still be able to compete and achieve my goals this season.

Because many of my workouts lately have been rather boring (5km run on the treadmill), I haven’t felt the need to complete daily updates of the blog. Today however, I made my treadmill workout more interesting with intervals.


4 Rounds…

  • Run 1 km
  • 20 Squats
  • 15 Situps
  • 10 Pushups
  • 5 Burpees
  • time = 28:38

On a positive note, in the past when my training plans would take a detour, my weight would usually rebound to the 208 – 212 mark, effectively erasing all the hard work I had done. But during the past two weeks, even though I haven’t been training as consistently or as intensely, my weight has remained at the 192 – 193 level. This has to be due to the gluten-free changes I’ve tried to stick with over the past 6 months.