Posts Tagged ‘Triathlon’

On July 7th, I competed in the Element “Mine Over Matter” off-road triathlon (lake swim / mountain bike ride / trail run). I was nervous, but felt that I would treat it as a “practice” race as I had only put in 5 weeks of training leading up to the race. The weather that morning was rainy which meant the trails were going to be muddy and slippery. The sun started peeking out of the clouds when we arrived at the quarry and it ended up being warm and sunny by the time the race started.

I had no strategy for the race. My sprinter instincts kicked in when the starting horn sounded and I went out way too fast in the swim. I was leading the field for the first half of the swim and realized I was not going to be able to keep that pace. By the final 200m of the swim, I was gasping for air and had been passed by two swimmers. I told myself “3rd out of the water isn’t bad…as long as I avoid injury in the bike and run, I’ll be happy just to complete the race.”

The bike started with an uphill climb and I was still not able to catch my breath or slow my heart rate. There was a point in the ride when I was slipping through the muddy trails that I questioned whether I would be able to finish, but I got through it. Finishing with a 5km run, I didn’t care about catching other runners, I just wanted to get to the finish line. I ended up 7th in my age group and was happy with my race, considering the shortened training cycle I had been through.

What’s next for me? I find I need to set goals in order to continue waking up early for training sessions, so I’m hoping to complete a 1km open water swim race in Orillia this August. Beyond that, I think I’ll start increasing the weight training / Crossfit sessions that will extend into the fall and winter months.

offroad tri

June 14, 2013 Summer Motivation

Posted: June 14, 2013 in Workouts
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Since deciding at the beginning of June to make my fitness a priority again, I’ve logged some good kilometers and found ways to be consistent. One of the ways I’ve been able to get back into the pool has been to stop into Bradford on my way to the GO train for an early swim at 6am. I’ve also been able to motivate myself by setting a couple of goal races as challenges this summer. Element Racing offers two “Cross Triathlons” in Milton and Muskoka that include a swim, mountain bike ride and trail run. I’m aiming to compete in both events this summer; that should keep me motivated for the “early hour” training that I’ll have to fit in with work, family and other commitments.

I’ve also connected with a triathlon training group and will be joining them this weekend for an open water swim. I’ll post an update of how that turns out.

Here is a summary of my workouts this week:

June 10 – 5km Run (27:46 / 5’33” pace) + 5-5-5 Bench Press @ 205
June 11 – Swim (600m warmup / 4 x 50m FR @ 1:00 / 50m easy / 4 x 50m Pull @ 1:00 / 50m easy / 2 x 100m FR @ 2:00 / 100m easy) 1400m Total
June 12 – 3km Fun Run (with the wife) + 5-5-3-3-3 Overhead Press @ 150 + 3-3-3-3-3 Power Clean @ 150
June 13 – Swim (600m wu / 4 x 50m FR @ 1:00 /50m easy / 4 x 50m Pull @ 1:00 / 50m easy / 4 x 100m FR @ 1:50 / 100 easy) 1600m Total
June 14 – 4km Fun Run (with the wife) + 5-5-3-3-3 Deadlifts @ 250 – 305 / Bike 1 hour (mountain bike trails)
